4 research outputs found

    Morphological analysis of cells by means of an elastic metric in the shape space

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    Shape analysis is of great importance in many fields, such as computer vision, medical imaging, and computational biology. This analysis can be performed considering shapes as closed planar curves in the shape space. This approach has been used for the first time to obtain the morphological classification of erythrocytes in digital images of sickle cell disease considering the shape space S1, which has the property of being isometric to an infinite-dimensional Grassmann manifold of two-dimensional subspaces (Younes et al., 2008), without taking advantage of all the features offered by the elastic metric related to the possibility of stretching and bending of the curves. In this paper, we study this deformation in the shape space, S2, which is based on the representation of closed planar curves by means of the square-root velocity function (SRVF) (Srivastava et al., 2011), using the elastic metric of this space to obtain more efficient geodesics and geodesic lengths between planar curves. Supervised classification with this approach achieved an accuracy of 94.3%, classification using templates achieved 94.2% and unsupervised clustering in three groups achieved 94.7%, considering three classes of erythrocytes: normal, sickle, and with other deformations. These results are better than those previously achieved in the morphological analysis of erythrocytes and the method can be used in different applications related to the treatment of sickle cell disease, even in cases where it is necessary to study the process of evolution of the deformation, something that can not be done in a natural way in the feature space

    Clasificaci贸n de eritrocitos empleando modelos ocultos de M谩rkov

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    Se realiza un estudio del desempe帽o de los modelos ocultos de M谩rkov (HMM) en la clasificaci贸n morfol贸gica supervisada de eritrocitos en muestras de sangre perif茅rica de pacientes con anemia drepanoc铆tica. Los contornos se representan de forma novedosa considerando las diferencias angulares en la curvatura de los puntos del mismo. El entrenamiento de cada modelo se realiza tanto con la descripci贸n normal de los contornos como con la representaci贸n de la rotaci贸n de los mismos, para garantizar una mayor estabilidad en los par谩metros estimados. Se desarrolla un proceso de validaci贸n cruzada de 5x1 para estimaci贸n del error. Se obtienen las medidas de sensibilidad, precisi贸n y especificidad de la clasificaci贸n. Los mejores resultados en cuanto a sensibilidad se obtienen al clasificar eritrocitos pertenecientes a dos clases: normales (96%) y elongados (99%). Al considerar adem谩s una clase de eritrocitos con otras deformaciones los mejores resultados se obtienen realizando el entrenamiento de los modelos con la rotaci贸n de todos los contornos, que alcanz贸 sensibilidades de normales (94%), elongados (82%) y con otras deformaciones (76%). Palabras Clave: clasificaci贸n morfol贸gica de eritrocitos, modelos ocultos de M谩rkov, representaci贸n de contornos

    M茅todos computacionales para estudio de la anemia drepanoc铆tica

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    El procesamiento de im谩genes digitales y la visi贸n por computador son ampliamente utilizados en medicina actualmente y son de gran inter茅s las propuestas de nuevos m茅todos de an谩lisis automatizado de im谩genes digitales o mejorar la eficiencia de los existentes. En este trabajo se desarrollaron m茅todos nuevos para estudiar computacionalmente a trav茅s de im谩genes de muestras de sangre la drepanocitosis, dolencia con alta incidencia mundial y en Cuba, sobre todo en la regi贸n oriental. Se propusieron nuevos m茅todos de an谩lisis de formas, obtenidos a partir de resultados cl谩sicos de geometr铆a integral y nuevas propuestas de visi贸n por computador para evaluar trastornos neurofisiol贸gicos asociados a trav茅s del estudio de las expresiones faciales del paciente. La validaci贸n estad铆stica realizada comprob贸 la superioridad de estos m茅todos sobre otros, se determin贸 que son v谩lidos para ser introducidos en software de apoyo para mejorar la calidad de la atenci贸n m茅dica.Palabras clave: an谩lisis de forma, an谩lisis de expresiones faciales, drepanocitosis.</p

    Diagnosis support of sickle cell anemia by classifying red blood cell shape in peripheral blood images

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    [eng] Red blood cell (RBC) deformation is the consequence of several diseases, including sickle cell anemia, which causes recurring episodes of pain and severe pronounced anemia. Monitoring patients with these diseases involves the observation of peripheral blood samples under a microscope, a time-consuming procedure. Moreover, a specialist is required to perform this technique, and owing to the subjective nature of the observation of isolated RBCs, the error rate is high. In this paper, we propose an automated method for differentially enumerating RBCs that uses peripheral blood smear image analysis. In this method, the objects of interest in the image are segmented using a Chan-Vese active contour model. An analysis is then performed to classify the RBCs, also called erythrocytes, as normal or elongated or having other deformations, using the basic shape analysis descriptors: circular shape factor (CSF) and elliptical shape factor (ESF). To analyze cells that become partially occluded in a cluster during sample preparation, an elliptical adjustment is performed to allow the analysis of erythrocytes with discoidal and elongated shapes. The images of patient blood samples used in the study were acquired by a clinical laboratory specialist in the Special Hematology Department of the 'Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas' General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba. A comparison of the results obtained by the proposed method in our experiments with those obtained by some state-of-the-art methods showed that the proposed method is superior for the diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. This superiority is achieved for evidenced by the obtained F-measure value (0.97 for normal cells and 0.95 for elongated ones) and several overall multiclass performance measures. The results achieved by the proposed method are suitable for the purpose of clinical treatment and diagnostic support of sickle cell anemia